Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Am Victorious

I found out that Antony had been with Cleopatra recently and has divorced his wife, Octavia, also my sister. I found his will and read it to the Roman people. In it, he stated that he would give large amounts of money to Cleopatra and his family and Egypt. He also said that if he died, he wanted his body buried in Egypt, and not in Rome. This outraged the Roman people and the senate declared war on Antony. My forces, led by Agrippa, met Antony's troops at Actium in Greece. I came out victorious in the battle but with my victory, Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide. After this battle, I became sole ruler of Rome with power granted to me by the senate. I also have been given a new name, Augustus.


  1. Oh great-grandfather! Congratulations! You are a superb warrior, and now a superb emperor! Please accept this friend request from your great-grandaughter, Agrippina the Younger.

    Hurley, Donna, Agrippina the Younger (Wife of Claudius), Online Encyclopedia of Emperors,

  2. Congratulations Great Augustus. You have begun a legacy of Many Emperors and a grand Empire. I have studied your opinions and even though I don't completely agree with you all the time. I respect you and the wonderful new beginnings you have left for the future.

    No Author. "Augustus" Roman-empire, http://www.roman-empire.net/emperors/emp-index.html, 18 May 2011.

  3. Well I guess they picked you, even though I would have been the better ruler. I mean have you ever been in love? If so then you would want to be buried with your love also! so SSSOOORRRY for wanting to be with her. but I still love Rome and for being a ruler has nothing to do with where your body is when your dead!

  4. Congratulatons Augustus. Mark Antony that didn't seem like a sincere apology. If you loved Rome you would not have left Rome.
